
Two pace students in One Pace Plaza

University Grievance Procedure: Student Grievances

The University views students as responsible citizens who are integral members of the academic community. Policies and practices pertaining to student relations and services should reflect this point of view. All University officers will make every effort to ensure that this philosophy is implemented.

It is recognized, however, that regardless of how well intentioned people may be, complaints and misunderstandings are bound to arise. It is the purpose of the Student Grievance Procedures to ensure that these disagreements are expressed, explored, and resolved promptly and confidentially.

Applicability of Procedures

The Student Grievance Procedures shall apply to student grievances relating to the following:

Student Programs, Facilities, and Services: Allegations of violations of University policies and procedures with respect to programs, services, activities or facilities.

Student Relations: Allegations of unfair treatment from faculty, administration, staff or fellow students.

The following Student Grievance Procedure shall not apply to claims relating to academic standing, grading or discipline. Such matters are within the jurisdiction of the Academic Standing Committees and the Deans of the Colleges\Schools. The following Student Grievance Procedure also does not apply to claims relating to discrimination, non sex-based harassment and retaliation, which is subject to the University’s Policy Against Discrimination, Non Sex-Based Harassment and Retaliation (PDF); or to claims relating to Sex-Based Misconduct (including sexual assault sexual harassment, gender-based harassment, dating violence, domestic\intimate partner violence, sexual exploitation, and stalking, which is subject to the University’s Sex-Based Misconduct Policies and Procedures (PDF).


Student Affairs Officer – Associate Vice President/Dean for Students: Designated University official responsible for student affairs. Administrator responsible for the coordination and implementation of University policy regarding Student Affairs on each campus (except the Law School, where the administrator responsible for the coordination and implementation of University policy regarding Student Affairs is the Dean for Students.)



  1. Discuss the problem informally with the student, faculty member, AVP/Dean, Dean, Dean’s designee or staff member involved and where appropriate, with supervisors or administrators at sequentially higher levels. (You may submit an informal complaint to the Dean of Students using the webform at the bottom of this page).
  2. A student may not proceed to formal review unless informal review with those persons cited above has been exhausted.


  1. If for any reason the grievance is not resolved informally to the satisfaction of the student within a reasonable period of time, the student should contact the AVP/Dean or Dean for Students.
  2. The student shall prepare and submit a formal written complaint on a form provided by the AVP/Dean or Dean for students which shall serve as the basis for all further consideration.
  3. The AVP/Dean or Dean for Students shall conduct an investigation of the facts upon which the complaint is based. As soon as practicable, the AVP/Dean or Dean for Students shall notify the grievant of the results of the investigation.
  4. If for any reason the student is not satisfied with the results of the investigation conducted by the AVP/Dean or Dean for Students they may ask the AVP/Dean or Dean for Students to submit the matter to the Assistant Dean for Community Standards and Compliance or the Dean of the Law School, [hereafter referred to as the Appeal Officer] as appropriate.
  5. As soon as practicable, the AVP/Dean or Dean for Students shall:
    1. prepare a statement summarizing the actions taken
    2. append such statement to the student's complaint form
    3. forward the complaint form to the appropriate Appeal Officer
  6. Upon receipt of the formal complaint, the Appeal Officer shall consult with the University official having authority over the area or subject matter of the grievance. Within 30 days following receipt of the complaint, the Appeal Officer shall render a decision and convey such decision to the student in writing.
  7. If the student is not satisfied by the decision obtained by the Appeal Officer, they may ask the Appeal Officer to appeal to the President of the University or their designee on their behalf.
  8. As soon as practicable, the Appeal Officer shall apprise the President or their designee of the details of the grievance and serve the President or their designee with a copy of the written complaint.
  9. As soon as practicable after receipt of the written complaint, the President or their designee shall render a final decision which shall be conveyed in writing to the student.

If an issue of discrimination or Sex-Based Misconduct arises at any time during the course of the Student Grievance Procedure, such procedure shall be suspended pending resolution of the discrimination or Sex-Based Misconduct issue pursuant to the University’s Policy Against Discrimination, Non Sex-Based Harassment and Retaliation or the Sex-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedure, as applicable. As soon as practicable after an issue of discrimination or Sex-Based Misconduct arises, the Student Affairs Officer and\or the AVP/Dean for Students or Dean for Students shall refer the matter to the University’s Affirmative Action\Title IX Officer for investigation pursuant to the University’s Policy Against Discrimination, Non Sex-Based Harassment and Retaliation or the Sex-Based Misconduct Policy and Procedure.

Miscellaneous General Provisions

Time Limits: All time limits contained in the foregoing procedure may be extended by mutual written by the Student Affairs Officer, the Appeal Officer or the President.

Confidentiality of Proceedings: The University shall take all reasonable steps to ensure the confidentiality of all proceedings, and the records produced therefrom. However, should any matter developed during the course of the proceedings become public ieieknowledge, the University reserves the right to issue appropriate statements.