
Pace students on the Pleasantville Campus

Pace Cares Fund

About The Pace Cares Fund

The Pace Cares Fund provides emergency financial relief to students who face unforeseeable economic hardships. These needs range from housing, to travel, and technology access to health and wellness. Through your generous contributions, collectively we are able to award students need-based relief to alleviate the burdens that many have encountered, including challenges most recently presented during the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic.

How Much Are Students Awarded?

The average award amount per student is $1,000.

What Areas Of Need Have Been The Greatest?

Living expenses and loss of employment for students and/or their families who were a source of financial support for basic needs has been the greatest challenge experienced by our students. Often students experience multiple obstacles all at once that include these areas, as well as technology, travel, and food costs.

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